This weekly event has been going on for over 4 years!
It was founded in October 2005 by Kalyn of the excellent Kalyn's Kitchen.
It was founded in October 2005 by Kalyn of the excellent Kalyn's Kitchen.
The basic idea of Weekend Herb Blogging is that people submit blog posts where a herb or plant ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in a recipe AND/OR one herb or plant ingredient is spotlighted, particularly including information about use in cooking. In the past week, I've heard from all over the world, discovered some new blogs, and reconnected with some of you that I've "met" before. Thank you everybody for your entries and for sharing your talents! It's been a pleasure. I've assembled entries in the order they were submitted, with related photo directly below each item.
From Vancouver, BC, TS and JS of [eatingclub]vancouver (one of my favorite blogs!) made Fragrant Celery and Tofu Salad 芹菜拌香干. Using celery and Chinese celery, they describe this dish as "fragrant and flavorful"--it looks really refreshing!
From Melbourne, Australia, Hannah of eat it good made Panfried Wild Mushrooms that look amazing. She used "gruzd" aka "red pine mushrooms" aka "lactarius deliciosus," found by happy accident on a camping trip. Whatever you call them, this recipe sounds delicious.
On Allotment 2 Kitchen, Mangocheeks in the West of Scotland showcases celeriac in Celeriac and Horseradish Burgers. Her description of commercial vegetarian burgers as "carpet tile" and "robotically shaped" made me laugh. These certainly look toothsome and tasty--next time I find some celeriac I'm giving them a try!
Simona of briciole in Northern California highlights oat groats in a recipe for Dolce di ricotta e avena (Dessert of ricotta & oat groats). She is a member of a grain CSA and gets a monthly share of whole and milled grains plus recipes. The dolce is made with sweetened ricotta and peel mixed with cooked groats and topped with grated chocolate. Love the kitty pastry garnish!
From Greece, Katerina of Culinary Flavors cooked up a twist on the customary dish for Great Saturday night, Vegetarian Magiritsa. She says she never liked the non-vegetarian kind, which features lamb's intestine. This recipe is a meatless feast of vegetables, featuring lettuce, endive and two kinds of mushrooms.
From Ohio, USA, Yasmeen of Health Nut spotlighted strawberries by making Blintzes with Ricotta Cream and Strawberry sauce. Dessert for breakfast? Yes please! I would love to be able to slice into one of these right now!
From India, Sra of When My Soup Came Alive created Quinoa-Cranberry Salad. Check out her hilarious story of how this came into being. She reminds us that quinoa is a "wonder grain with all the eight essential amino acids." The recipe includes chiles, lime juice and cilantro too--looks so tasty.
In NYC, Joanne from Eats Well With Others invented Butternut Squash and Morel Chutney. She writes that the earthiness of the wild morels seemed to balance nicely with the tart cranberry and sweet squash in the chutney. She's served it over grilled pork chops--what a blast of color that squash gives!
The organizer of this event, Haalo of Cook (almost) Anything at Least Once, made Caramelised Pomegranate Cake. Haalo was looking for a recipe that went beyond a pomegranate syrup or a sprinkling of seeds—something that really incorporated all the pomegranate. And indeed, this recipe requires one whole pomegranate, juice AND seeds. What a gorgeous success!
From Oaxaca de Juarez, Mexico, Travis and Karin Harvey of De La Tierra created a Pumpkin seed sauce that they served as an "elaborate snack" with pulled pork-filled pumpkin blossoms. They write about how the pumpkin is a long-standing staple in the Americas--this recipe is a great reminder that there's a lot more to a pumpkin than that orange flesh!
From Atlanta, GA, Chris of Mele Cotte made Buttermilk Thyme Ice Cream. I love the sound of this! As Chris puts it, "Buttermilk? Creamy deliciousness. Thyme? Woody earthiness? Combined? Happy happy joy joy!" Those little thyme leaves sprinkled on top are adorable.
Brii of Valsorda, Italy, who writes Briiblog in English, is celebrating the fresh colors and tastes of spring with an Orange, Radicchio and Celery Salad. Before giving the recipe, she puts us in the mood with some gorgeous shots of spring flowers. This salad looks like it has great juiciness and snap.
From Melbourne, Australia, Johanna at Green Gourmet Giraffe made Pumpkin Nut Loaf. The nuts used are almonds, and Johanna shares how this was part of Easter day with her family. It's also very cool that she includes what's "On the stereo" as part of her post: great idea!
Last up, my own entry from Vermont, USA, is Ginger Fried Rice. It was a chilly, windy early spring day and I wanted something warming and easy for our dinner. I hope you can picture what fried rice looks like, because I'd like to show you the beautiful grated ginger instead--pungent and moist!
Want to join in next week? Weekend Herb Blogging #229 is being hosted by Katie from Eat This. Click here for rules.
Cheers to all!
Hey there - thanks for the great round-up! Some seriously delish looking dishes!!
I can smell your grated ginger! Thank you for a lively roundup: I went through it once, as it is so natural to step from one vignette to the next. Now I am going back to the top for a more leisurely savoring.
Thanks for the round-up! Some intriguing dishes this edition: morel-squash chutney, margiritsa, dessert with oat groats...
Oh, that was a labor of live, grating ginger! I find grating ginger to be so "hard", LOL. But, maybe it's just me and my laziness.
Thanks for this lovely round-up, Prof, looks beautiful!
Those are some wonderful foods.Thanks for fabulous round up :D
Thank you so much for hosting Prof Kitty.
The round up is lovely. I am off to check out some of the recipes.
Such lovely looking dishes - Thanks so much for hosting!
Thanks for the feedback everybody--it was a lot of fun!
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