Days of Soup and Snowflakes

The weather has changed in Vermont. The days are noticeably shorter. It's also cooler—one day we had the windows open at night, the next we had them shut tight because it was suddenly CHILLY. We've started running the furnace again. I am craving hot soup and crusty bread with a lot of butter on it. It's really hard to get up at 5:30 am to go run... I fail on most days, and I'm forgiving myself for that.

The foliage this year has been pretty, but fast. Last weekend it hadn't quite started yet, this weekend it's almost over.

Leaf vista

Dead morning glories and tomatoes—apparently the killing frost came last night.

Ready for jack-o-lanterns

Leaf bags turned into impromptu "bird mountain" by kindergartener

Also, it snowed today. Just a few nuggets in a mini flurry. But... still.

How is your October going? Is it AUTUMNAL?

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