Birthday party

For my birthday I decided to drag my family to a buffet for lunch and get really full, and then for dinner we'd just have appetizers. Whee! It was a fun day. We got some great salumi from Brattleboro's North End Butchers (hot sopressata (spicy!), Genoa salami (peppery!), Molinari finnociona (fennel-seedy!)). I also got some Maytag blue cheese that was so ripe and moldy it burned the inside of my mouth (but in a good way). And some soothing French brie. Plus as a salute to my childhood, little Mini Babybel and Laughing Cow wrapped cheese products. Some of us drank prosecco and some had sparkling cranberry juice.

Thank you Gramma and Grandpa for the lovely stargazer lilies! They smell amazing!

I consider my birthday the last of the holidays that started way back at Thanksgiving. Now it's time to buckle down and get on with 2011 for reals. Happy New Year!

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