Homemade English Muffins

It's crazy, but I got it into my head to make English muffins from scratch. Totally inspired by a recent post from Utah Deal Diva, she has some lovely muffin photos that sealed the deal.

I've made my own pitas and my own naan, and neither of them were worth the trouble. I'd rather just buy the stuff. But I might be into making my own English muffins. They didn't seem as easy-as-pie as advertised, but they weren't too bad. And they seem... just like English muffins.

Rather than frying in grease, these English muffins are fried in cornmeal. Wait, did you know English muffins are made on the stovetop and not baked? I didn't.

Not a lot of nooks & crannies. But I also cut this open with a knife instead of a fork, I am crazy that way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh - these look good! On one of my crumpet attempts, I ended up with something a lot more English muffin-like. But these look even better than that. And I'm intrigued by "frying" in cornmeal. Off to check out the recipe...