Happy Thanksgiving 2012!

Happy Thanksgiving! Sorry for the dearth of posts this month. I've been having technical difficulties (old OS, old browser) and haven't had time to update stuff. But here's a quick update on moi:
  • Work has been super busy this month, with no end in sight--but it's interesting stuff so no complaints 
  • It hasn't snowed yet so I'm still following my routine of running 3 days a week. When it gets too cold or snowy I'm planning to get a gym membership and move to the treadmill.
  • I'm excited for Thanksgiving! Delicious food, mellow family times. 
  • I ran my first Turkey Trot this morning (3 miles) and it seemed like a perfect run. 
  • I'm excited to start playing Christmas music the moment it becomes "official," which is the moment Thanksgiving dinner is through. I am a Christmas music dork. 
  • We've been watching the Marx Brothers as a family. We seem to own all of their movies. They are awesome.
Have a fabulous holiday!! What are you doing for this long weekend? Traveling? Working? Chilling?


Unknown said...

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving & long weekend! We had a gorgeous 78 degree, sunny day. Lovely afternoon to be outside - but it's hard to get in the holiday spirit. Maybe next weekend it'll drop into the 60s... ;-)

Anonymous said...

I applaud your stick-to-itive attitude towards running! It's one of the best things you can do.

We got hit with colds this month and "the cough that never ends" which for me is finally winding down after about four weeks of pure torture. Needless to say, I haven't been running and miss it. I plan to get back to it next week, as my cough finally goes away.

My question to you is, do you run even when you get sick? How about if you get a lingering cough? Ever get those? They really, really, really SUCK.
