Trying to eat cheap: A Month of Dinners, Day 1

I'm wondering if I really do cook as frugally as I think I do. So I had a crazy idea to post every dinner I make/eat for a whole month. I don't know how realistic that is. But here's what we had tonight--dal (basically thick yellow split pea soup) with kale, over brown rice. I figure the peas & rice were probably about $3.00, the kale maybe another buck or so. There are also seasonings--cumin, ground coriander, garlic, onion, ginger, turmeric. I made the stock earlier from vegetable scraps--basically compost--so I'd say that's free. I'm going to guesstimate that this whole dinner comes in under $10.00.

OMG, time change tonight! I'm planning to TOTALLY use this to my advantage on the exercise front. Getting up at 6am will be a lot easier when it seems like I'm getting up at 7am. (That's how it works right? Math class is hard.) This will be my 8th week of 5-days-a-week running. I only missed one day so far, and that was today. Call it Halloween's fault--I was just LAZY today.

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