Trying to Eat Cheap: A Month of Dinners, Day 4

Today's selection is vegetarian AGAIN. My guy suggested that we build a meal around a jar of red pepper tapenade we had in the cupboard. It was a gift and looked tasty. He brought home a baguette and we decided to do a bruschetta-type thing. We split the loaf, spread it with tapenade, and melted parmesan and cheddar cheese on top. I also sliced up a bunch of dinosaur kale and steam-fried it with garlic, olive oil and Trocomare (spicy herb salt, yum!). So for today's math:
baguette $3.50
tapenade, free
cheeses $2.00
kale $2.00
garlic, oil, salt, etc. $2.00
Total: $9.50 (or $14.50 if you had to buy the tapenade)
Also, because it was election night or something, I made myself a margarita. But I'm not adding that in to my costs. That's just found art.

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